Current tag:1600-2 cylinder batching machine Company
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Concrete batching machine related terms cumulative measurement refers to a variety of materials successively measured in the same measuring bucket, and the value of each material is set by the measuring instrument, which is similar to weighing a catty of soybeans in weighing half a catty of rice on the same scale。During the measurement of the drop batching, the set value (lead amount) is set between the time when the electrical control signal sends out the stop batching instruction and the time when the material really falls into the metering bucket
Common forms of concrete batching machine on the market common batching machine has two ways of belt batching and cylinder batching: belt batching type: its structure is mostly the upper part of the raw material storage hopper, the lower part of the metering hopper, the bottom of the discharge conveyor belt, the storage hopper is used to store raw materials to be supplied, and the bottom of the storage hopper is under the batching conveyor belt。The principle: the batching begins, the belt machine starts to bring out the central plains of the storage hopper
The structure of the cylinder batching machine is mostly the upper part of the raw material storage hopper,In order to increase the storage capacity, a higher plate is set,The lower part is a measuring bucket: an overall measuring bucket can be equipped under each dosing door,Arrange each material into the same measuring bucket in sequence (cumulative measuring),Separate metering buckets can also be set up under each dosing door (each weighing each material),The finished material is fed to the next stage by the bottom belt conveyor
Technical characteristics of concrete batching machine · Coarse and fine weighing,称量精度高; ·性能优良的称重传感器,称量准确、稳定; ·主要配套件采用国内外知名品牌,可靠性高; ·整体结构合理,刚度强且美观; ·输送平稳,保证正常供料; ·可同时称量4种骨料